Council & Staff

Spiritwood Town Council and Staff strive to improve the quality of life for the people who live and work in the community. We are proud of our community and appreciate the opportunity to share what we have to offer with you. We welcome your comments, questions and feedback, so please feel free to contact us.


Mayor: Gary von Holwede
Councillors: James Bedi, Shane Colley, Mark Corfield, Ragnar Latus, Tess Mills & John Go

Correspondence to Council: All letters to council should be submitted by the Friday before the Council Meeting. Submit by mail to Box 460 Spiritwood, SK S0J 2M0, or by email to

Council Delegation Form: If you want to present a delegation to Town Council, please use this form and submit on or before the Friday before council meeting. Approved delegations have a set amount of time to present at the beginning of a council meeting.


Town Staff

Chief Administrative Officer: Rhonda Saam
Assistant Administrator: Brenda Beaulac
Office Assistant: Kristen Klassen
Town Foreman: Neil Gaboury
Public Works: Grant Lavoie & Brad Nordquist
Economic Development Officer: Sue Kahl
Events & Recreation Coordinator: 
Recreati0n Facility Supervisor: Glennalda Saam
Arena Caretaker & Public Works: Fraser MacFarlane